Remain in me, and I will remain in you. For a branch cannot produce fruit if it is severed from the vine, and you cannot be fruitful unless you remain in me. John 15:4 NLT
Jesus' Promise: Remain in me and I will remain in you.
How do we remain in Jesus?
1. Daily prayer
Simply talk to God. "Hi God, I am happy about...." "Hi God, thank you for shelter..." How do you talk to a friend? Jesus (the visible image of God) is the best friend we could ever have
2. Reading the Bible
Choose a version that you understand (KJV, NKJV, NLT, NIV, ESV, AMP). Keep it simple.
1 word vs. 1000 words. Quality vs Quantity. You could read 10 chapters each day and not understand a word. What is the point of reading it if you don't understand it?
The Bible is God's love letter to you. Take your time. What is God trying to say to you right now?
3. Obeying the Bible
This is the tricky part. Not only do you have to read the Bible and understand it, but you also have to apply it.
This journey with God is a process. Let God lead you one step at a time.
You will never be perfect. That is why Jesus had to die for us on the cross. He knew we couldn't save ourselves.
Jesus loves you right now just as you are. He knows all about your sins (ALL of them). Guess what? He still loves you. You are His child.
4. Fellowship
Two are better than one.
Pray to God to send you the right people.
While you are waiting, remember you are not alone. Jesus is with you.
Ideas to meet new people: Church, Bible study groups, Meetup, Book clubs (before joining an organization/event, pray to God for guidance. Not everything is for you)
Daily Affirmation: I am chosen by God. I choose God. Progress not perfection.